Alazne Irigoien, Ph.D. Candidate

University of the Basque Country

Phone: +34 744 403 719

City: San Sebastián

Country: Spain

About Me:

Alazne Irigoien is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of the Basque Country. After graduating in Law and Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has worked in Human Rights organisations and social enterprises focused on gender equality and women empowerment. She found her passion for feminism and gender equality working for the United Nations (UN) in Switzerland as a legal consultant, where she contributed to the work of CEDAW, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women through OHCHR, the UN’s principal body on Human Rights. Currently, her Ph.D. research focuses on gender stereotyping in corporate decision-making and its impact on women’s rights. She has been working with G5+, the first European Feminist Think Tank, on its parity democracy campaign and has authored the report “European Parliament’s elections 2019: towards parity democracy in Europe”. Alazne is also involved in different civil society organisations, such as Young Feminist Europe and The Brussels Binder. 

Research Interests

Gender and Politics

European Politics

Human Rights

Public Policy

Public Administration

Corporate Gender Equality

Gender Stereotypes

Parity Democracy

Countries of Interest





(2018) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT’S ELECTIONS 2019: towards parity democracy in Europe, Gender Five Plus

Part I - Why is parity democracy important to the European Union (EU)? 1. Stand with EU’s values 2. Strengthen EU’s democracy a. Address the democratic deficit b. Increase diversity among women c. Challenge populism 3. Strategic gains Part II – Why are the EU and parity democracy important for women? 1. What has the EU done for gender equality? 2. Taking action at EU level a. What would have happened in the absence of EU action? b. Advantages of EU action 3. What could have the EU done better? a. Gender Mainstreaming b. Response to the economic crisis Part III – Why is gender balance important in the EP and in EU decision-making? 1. Under-representation of women in decision-making a. Persistent gender inequalities b. Gender imbalance in EU decision-making 2. The state of play: women in the European Parliament (EP) a. Women MEPs b. The role of women and the FEMM Committee 3. How can we achieve gender balance? a. Gender quotas b. Electoral system c. The role of political parties and their values d. Increase the number of women aspirants e. Fair media representation 4. Participation in the EP’s elections 2 a. Women’s political participation in the EP’s elections b. Women, less interested in the EU than men Part IV - Challenges and opportunities in view of the 2019 EP’s elections and beyond 1. Challenges a. Rise of populism and far right b. Gender stereotypes and views on women in politics 2. Opportunities a. Commitments by the EU b. New gender quotas c. Civil society movements What future for Europe? Some Recommendations