Anne Brunon-Ernst, Ph.D.

Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II

Country: France

About Me:

Anne BRUNON-ERNST is Professor in Legal English at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris, France) and researcher at the CERSA (Panthéon-Assas) and at the Centre Bentham (ScPo, Paris). 

Research Interests

Political Theory

Public Policy


Legal Regulation


My Research:

Anne BRUNON-ERNST's research interests focus on legal theory and more particularly on the British legal philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Lately, her research has been centred around (i) Bentham's Panopticon schemes (Brunon-Ernst (ed.) Beyond Foucault, Ashgate, 2012) and around (ii) utilitarianism in Foucault's thought (Brunon-Ernst, Utilitarian Biopolitics, Pickering & Chatto, 2012). She is now working on the concept of indirect legislation both in Bentham and in its contemporary reappropriations. She has co-edited a number of collections of essays or special issues on the topic: Concurrence des normativités in RIDE, 3 (2018)Nudges et normativités, Paris : Hermann, 2018; Indirect Legislation: Bentham’s Regulatory Revolution in History of European Ideas. Vol 43, n°1 (2017): 1-121; Nudges : Better Choices ? in The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville. Vol XXXVII, n°1 (2016): 5-180.