Barbara Brown, Ph.D.

Visiting Researcher, AfricanStudies Ctr, Boston University

Country: United States (Massachusetts)

About Me:

My dissertation was on South African politics. Since then, I have taught at the University of Botswana and at Mount Holyoke College. While at Boston University's African Studies Center, I received a number of national grants:  3 NEH awards to co-direct month-long summer institutes and one Fulbright Senior Research Award to reaerch women's issues in Botswana. For many years at Boston University's African Studies Center,  I have worked primarily in public education to strengthen and enrich American understanding of Africa.  My work deliberately crosses several media in order to widen the impact. I am co-author of a forthcoming online book of readings & text for high school and college teaching: "Apartheid and the Struggle for Freedom." I created the mind-opening introductory poster "How Big Is Africa?", used in classes across the country. I spearheaded a national response to the "Kony 2012" campaign which falsified and stereotyped Ugandan politics. 

Research Interests

African Politics

Americans View Africa

Stereotyping African Politics

Teaching Africa