Hannah Alarian, Ph.D.


Princeton University

Address: Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

City: Princeton, New Jersey - 08544

Country: United States

About Me:

I am currently a Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Beginning fall 2019, I will be an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida. Previously, I was a Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of Virginia where I was an active member of the Power, Violence, and Inequality Collective and Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Working Group as well as teaching courses on topics of Europe, political belonging, citizenship, and migration.  I received my PhD in Political Science at the University of California, Irvine where I was also an affiliate with the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD). My research broadly examines topics of immigrant integration, immigration, political identity and participation, and public policy. 

Research Interests

Immigration & Citizenship

European Politics

Comparative Political Institutions

Public Opinion

Research Methods & Research Design

Political Psychology

Immigrant Integration

Migrant Employment


European Migration Policy

Countries of Interest



United States


My Research:

My research examines topics of migrant integration, immigration, political identity and participation, and public policy.  My current book project, titled “Migrant Employment and the Foundations of Integration,” examines the economic processes through which immigrants come to belong to their new societies, including the roles public policy and individuals play in reducing disparities between immigrant and native communities. Alongside this current project, I maintain an active research agenda across comparative politics. My work can be seen in Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and presented at multiple political science conferences. 


Journal Articles:

(2017) Dual Citizenship Allowance and Migration Flow: An Origin Story., Comparative Political Studies

What effect does variation in dual citizenship policies of both sending and receiving societies have on bilateral migration flow? Employing a modified gravity model, we use a new dual citizenship database to examine the effects of allowance within 14 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) receiving states and more than 100 sending states between 1980 and 2006. We show that dual-citizenship-allowing sending states experience significantly more migration than dual-citizenship-forbidding sending states. We also find a significant increase in migration flow in receiving states that allow for dual citizenship, consistent with previous research. Finally, interaction effects reveal highest flow between sending and receiving states allowing dual citizenship and lowest flow between forbidding sending states and allowing receiving states. These findings emphasize the importance of citizenship policy contexts of countries of origin in influencing a migrant’s decision to move. They also suggest that migrants are rational and informed, valuing the “goods” of citizenship—from political rights to security of status and mobility—in both origin and destination states.

(2017) Citizenship in hard times: intra-EU naturalisation and the Euro crisis, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Demarcated by growing austerity, economic uncertainty, and EU-exits, the past decade witnessed monumental shifts across the political and economic landscapes of Europe. Citizenship is a stabilising force in this era of crisis, particularly for intra-EU migrants. In this contribution, I examine how the Euro crisis impacted citizenship acquisition among these migrants. Building upon the model proposed by John Graeber’s article [2016. ‘Citizenship in the shadow of the Euro crisis: explaining changing patterns in naturalisation among intra-EU migrants.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (10): 1670–1692], I discuss the relative importance of citizenship in times of crisis from global and regional perspectives. I argue Graeber’s theory presents a strong model for citizenship acquisitions during the crisis, yet leaves the core dyadic structure and several inconsistent findings unexamined. I replicate these models and introduce a dyadic model using bilateral data from 21 receiving and 23 sending states in Europe between 2007 and 2013. Contrary to Graeber’s theory, I find citizenship acquisitions among intra-EU migrants primarily coincide with increased in-migration, rather than influences of the Euro crisis. I conclude that while economic sending and receiving contexts matter, the Euro crisis did not appear to restructure intra-EU migrant citizenship incentives.


(2018) Navigating the Post-doc Job Market, APSA Political Science Now

This past September, I participated on an Ask Me Anything (AMA) roundtable about post-doctoral positions as part of the APSA Career Fair. In an effort to continue and expand upon these conversations, I compiled a list of my personal answers to three of the most frequently asked questions with respect to the post-doc job market.

(2018) What’s in a Question? Consequences of Citizenship in the United States Census, GLOBALCIT

The decennial census – one of the largest undertakings of the United States government – is generally not on the mind of the average American. This will likely change, however, as new proposed questions of citizenship and immigration catapult the 2020 census to renewed political significance. Posted late Monday night on the Commerce website, the United States 2020 Census will include a question assessing respondents’ citizenship status. This change comes from a December request from the United States Department of Justice to “reinstate on the 2020 Census questionnaire a question regarding citizenship”. This request may have surprised few, as rumours of this desired change saturated the early days of the Trump presidency, but the formal request so near to the ‘dress rehearsal’ leaves many wondering if this request can be appropriately and ethically implemented.