Helen Yanacopulos, Ph.D.


The Open University

City: London, England

Country: United Kingdom

About Me:

a full list of publications can be found on:http://fass.open.ac.uk/people/hy8#tab2

Research Interests



Political Communication

Networks And Politics

My Research:

Helen’s research interests bridge the fields of International Politics and International Development and are focused on explanations of how non-state actors influence poverty and inequality.  Specifically, she examines social justice focused and digitally enabled networks of NGOs, social movements and civil society involved in:  political mobilization and political action; global justice networks; transnational governance; and the construction and representation of International Development.  Her most recent book (2016) is International NGO Engagement, Advocacy, Activism.  The Faces and Spaces of Change.

She has also been a consultant for various international organisations, and has acted as Academic Consultant on the BBC productions African School, Syrian School, Comic Relief, the Reith Lectures, as well as the critically acclaimed series ‘Why Poverty?’  She is currently working on a new series due to be broadcast in the later part of 2018 called 'Why Slavery?' - a 6 part documentary series due to be shown in over 72 countries http://thewhy.dk/whyslavery/