Jennifer Mathers, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

Aberystwyth University

Year of PhD: 1994

Phone: +44 7808 198715

Address: Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University

City: Aberystwyth, Wales - SY23 4UH

Country: United Kingdom


Social Media:

X: jgmaber

About Me:

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University (UK) although I was born and brought up in the United States. I was educated at Mount Holyoke College (BA, International Relations) and Oxford University (MPhil, Slavonic and East European Studies; DPhil International Relations).I research, write and teach in two broad areas: Russian politics, foreign policy and security; women and war/gender and conflict. My areas of expertise include Russia's armed forces, civil-military relations in Russia, Russian security policy, Russia's women soldiers, feminist approaches to security. I am currently working on several projects related to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. I have written (with Veronica Kitchen, Waterloo University, Canada) about heroism and global politics.

Research Interests

Foreign Policy

Gender and Politics

Military Intervention

Nuclear Weapons

Post-Communist Politics

Conflict Processes & War

Ukraine Crisis

Russian Military

Gender And Militaries

Countries of Interest



My Research:

My work on Russia has tended to focus on issues of security, the military and defence policy. I have written on Soviet and Russian nuclear weapons, strategic thought, the conflict in Chechnya, military reform, women soldiers and civil-military relations. My interests in this area lie primarily in exploring the relationship between security, defence, politics and society, although I have also written on the Russian election protests of 2011-12. My research on Russia's women soldiers prompted my interest in women soldiers more broadly. I have written about women and war and women and state militaries and spent three years as the lead editor for Minerva: Journal of Women and War. I was a contributing editor to a collection of letters written by a member of the US Women's Army Corps and worked with the family to choose and edit the letters and to write historical context-setting pieces for them. I have recently published an article about the gendered economic insecurities of the crisis in Ukraine, which considers the impact on households and women's labour of the cross-cutting pressures of conditions set by international financial institutions and the ongoing war in the Donbas. I am currently working on several interlinked projects. One is an article co-authored with Veronica Kitchen at Waterloo University about the political significance of the heroic narratives that are developing around the COVID-19 pandemic. This article builds on the research that Veronica and I did for the volume we co-edited on heroism and global politics, which explores heroism as a social construction that is utilised by political leaders, movements and governments. In another project I am also applying the theme of gender and heroism to the case of perhaps the most famous soldier and prisoner of war of the current conflict in Ukraine: Nadiya Savchenko.I am also working on a book manuscript that takes a feminist security studies approach to the Ukraine crisis, examining the various ways that the agency of women, both individually and collectively, are shaping and influencing events, and exploring the insights that a sensitivity to gendered power relations can bring to our understanding of the continuing battles over politics and security in Ukraine.


Journal Articles:

(2020) "Women, War and Austerity: IFIs and the Construction of Gendered Economic Insecurities in Ukraine", Review of International Political Economy, Volume 27, Number 6, Taylor and Francis

This paper analyses the gendered circuits of violence that create and sustain economic insecurity in Ukraine. Drawing on feminist political economy analysis of the dependence of structural adjustment programmes on women’s labor, and feminist security studies critical analysis of the negative effects of militaries on human security, the paper shows how IFI-imposed austerity measures in Ukraine are inextricable from processes of militarisation. While the gendered impacts of each of these distinct processes have been explored, this paper empirically demonstrates how IFI loan conditionalities and militarisation intensify and reinforce one another precisely through the burdens they place on households and especially on women in the context of conflict.

(2012) "Nuclear Weapons in Russian Foreign Policy: Patterns in Presidential Discourse 2000-2010", Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 495-519, Routledge

Article provides a detailed examination of speeches by Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev to shed light on the subtle shifts in presidential discourse around Russia's nuclear weapons.

Books Written:

(2019) Heroism and Global Politics, co-edited with Veronica Kitchen, Routledge

This edited collection problematises the idea of heroism and explores how and why it functions in societies, in political communities, and in global politics. The book argues that heroism is socially constructed, that the heroic narrative is often gendered, and that it is often used as tool for building political communities.

(2010) Mollie's War: The Letters of a World War II WAC in Europe by Mollie Weinstein Schaffer and Cyndee Schaffer, contributing editor Jennifer G. Mathers, McFarland

This edited collection of letters tells the story of Mollie Weinstein Schaffer, a young Jewish woman from the Detroit area who joined the Women's Army Corps and served in London during the Blitz, in post-Liberation France and in Germany after the surrender of the Nazis.

(2005) The Military and Society in Post-Soviet Russia (co-edited with Steve Webber), Manchester University Press

Edited volume that explores a range of intersections between the Russian military and society, engaging with questions of civil-military relations beyond the level of political and military leaderships

(2000) The Russian Nuclear Shield from Stalin to Yeltsin, Palgrave Macmillan

Book explores the place of ballistic missile defence in Soviet and Russian politics, strategic thought and diplomacy.

Book Chapters:

(2020) "Ginger Cats and Cute Puppies: Animals, Affect and Militarisation in the Crisis in Ukraine" in Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics, and Embodiment, edited by Catherine Baker, Edinburgh University Press

Exposure to affective depictions of soldiers with domesticated animals such as cats and dogs encourages civilian audiences to view soldiers, militaries and even the aims of war with sympathy and approval. This chapter argues that Russia and Ukraine are currently engaged in parallel processes of creating and disseminating such depictions in order to rehabilitate the reputations of their armed forces and garner support for their military operations in eastern Ukraine. This positioning of soldiers’ bodies and animals’ bodies together, most notably in photographs circulated on social media, but also in other representations such as statues, is just one example of the wider phenomenon of digital militarism. State militaries and alliances have become very sophisticated and systematic about the use of digital technologies, especially social media and the internet, to disseminate positive messages and images about soldiers, the armed forces and war. The chapter concludes that the differing degrees of success by Russia and Ukraine can be attributed to factors that are highly dependent on context, demonstrating that militarisation is above all a set of social processes.

(2019) "Medals and American heroic military masculinity after 9/11" in Heroism and Global Politics, edited by Veronica Kitchen and Jennifer G Mathers, Routledge

This chapter explores gendered dimensions of the contemporary American construction of military heroism, considering how heroism and the military interact with masculinity to create a particular, complex form of military masculinity. Through analysis of the three most prestigious US military valour medals awarded fo soldiers who fought in the post-9/11 Global War on Terror, the chapter argues that feminine coded values, traits and behaviours feature are highly-valued, and even dominant in comparison with such traits as aggressiveness, toughness and a willingness to kill the enemy.

(2019) "Rebuilding Russia's Military Capabilities" in Routledge Handbook of Russian Security, edited by Roger Kanet, Routledge

This chapter assesses the development of Russia's military capabilities since 2008.

(2014) "The Military, Security and Politics", Palgrave Macmillan

Sets out the role played by the armed forces in Russian politics in the period since the collapse of the USSR.

(2012) "Women and State Militaries" in Carol Cohn, ed, Women and Wars: Contested Histories, Uncertain Futures, Polity

Discusses the roles that women play in state militaries around the world

Media Appearances:

TV Appearances:

(2023) BBC World

Interviewed on 4 January about the Russian response to the New Year's Day attack by Ukraine on hundreds of newly mobilised Russian soldiers

(2023) BBC News Channel

Interviewed on 20 February 2023 about US President Biden's trip to Kyiv

(2022) Ticker News

Interviewed about Russia's war in Ukraine on 2 March

(2021) Ticker News

Interviewed about the Biden-Putin summit on June 16

(2021) Ticker News

Interviewed about Russia's relationship with Belarus on August 10

(2021) Ticker News

Interviewed about Russia's crackdown on dissent in advance of the upcoming parliamentary elections and about Russia's view of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan on September 1

(2021) BBC News Channel and PBS (US)

Interviewed on 28 December about the Russian Supreme Court decision to ban the human rights organisation Memorial

(2020) News Channel, BBC 2

Interviewed on 1 July 2020 about the implications of Russia's nationwide vote on constitutional reform that would give Vladimir Putin the opportunity to remain president until 2036.

(2020) TRTWorld

Interviewed as part of a panel on the protests in Belarus and what might happen next on the programme Round Table, which aired on 3 September.

Radio Appearances:

(2023) Sauga 960AM Ontario, Canada

Interviewed by Brian Crombie for his drive time programme on 12 May 2023

(2022) Voice of America

Interviewed on the programme "Flashpoint Ukraine" on 18 April about Russia's war in Ukraine

(2022) BBC Radio 5 Live

Interviewed on 9 May about Putin's Victory Day speech and the implications for the war in Ukraine (interview starts at 1:07:30 into the recording)

(2022) BBC Radio 4, Woman's Hour

Interviewed about Russia's Committee of Soldiers' Mothers and their anti-war activism in relation to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

(2022) LBC Radio

Interviewed about the role of oligarchs in Russian politics

(2022) NPR station KPCC Los Angeles

Interviewed on Air Talk with Larry Mantle about Russia's war in. Ukraine and the development of Ukrainian President Zelensky's reputation as a hero

(2021) Times Radio

Interviewed in January about Alexei Navalny's return to Russia

(2021) BBC Radio Wales

Interviewed in January about Donald Trump's second impeachment

(2021) Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4

Interviewed about the Swiss Army's efforts to increase the proportion of women they recruit. Interview starts 28 minutes into the recording.

(2020) BBC Radio Wales

Interviewed on Sunday Supplement on 19 July about the release of the Russia Report by the UK Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee

(2020) Times Radio

Interviewed on 21 July about the release of the Russia Report by UK Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee

(2020) BBC Radio Wales

Interviewed throughout the 2 hour morning news programme (acting as the "presenter's friend") on 4 November about the results of the US presidential election

Newspaper Quotes:

(2023) Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Quoted in Rebecca Armitage and Riley Stuart, "Putin dithered as troops marched on Moscow - it could be the beginning of the end for his 'power vertical'"

(2022) Australian Broadcasting Corporation

"A morale problem among Russian forces could pose a risk to Vladimir Putin's future military campaigns"

(2022) SonntagsZeitung

Quoted extensively in this article in a Swiss Sunday newspaper about Ukraine's women soldiers

(2022) New York Times

Quoted in "War brings Ukraine's women new roles and new dangers" by Megan Specia and Emile Ducke

(2022) Washington Post

quoted in "Why is Ukraine coming up so much in American politics?" by Amber Phillips

(2021) RTE (Ireland) website

"Navalny a dominant opposition figure, even from prison". Appeared 24 April. Quoted in this online article.

(2021) Washington Post

"Belarus dissident's 'confession' video suggests coercion and torture, experts and advocates say", 25 May

(2020) RTE (Ireland) website

"Anti-Kremlin protests in remote Russian city after local governor fired", 2 August. Quoted and short video clip of interview included in the online article.

(2018) The Independent

"As you follow the James Bond-like tales of Babchenko and Browder this week, remember the other Russian journalists who weren't so lucky", 31 May

(2017) The Western Mail

"Trump has replaced Putin as the world's most unpredictable leader", 11 April

(2017) The Western Mail

"Trump likely to be anything but a 'normal' US president", 18 January

Blog Posts:

(2022) The Welsh Agenda

"Women and the War in Ukraine"

(2021) Progress in Political Economy

Gendered Economic Insecurities in Ukraine, 9 November

(2020) Political Studies Association website

"Putin's Constitutional Reforms: The Rise of an Ancien Regime?", 7 July

(2017) Huffington Post UK

"Watching Trump with our students", 4 May

(2017) Huffington Post UK

"Syria, emotion and Trump's presidential masculinity"

(2016) Huffington Post UK

"Donald Trump's Masculinity: It's not what you think", 6 November


(2023) The Conversation

"Ukraine war: why Russian soldiers' mothers aren't demonstrating the strong opposition they have in previous conflicts", co-authored with Natasha Danilova

(2023) The Conversation

"Ukraine war: attitudes to women in the military are changing as thousands serve on the front lines" co-authored with Anna Kvit

(2023) The Conversation

"Ukraine war: what the last 12 months has meant for the ordinary Russian soldier", 16 February

(2023) The Conversation

"Ukraine war 12 months on: how Volodymyr Zelensky became the nation's unlikely hero"

(2023) New Lines Magazine

"Ukraine recruits women soldiers. Why doesn't Russia?" 13 June 2023

(2023) opendemocracy

"Russia's military wives and mothers are challenging Putin's war on Ukraine" co-authored with Natasha Danilova, 7 August

(2023) The Conversation

"Wagner Group boss and Belarus's president are still manoeuvring for power", 17 July

(2022) The Conversation

"Gorbachev and glasnost: how his fragile legacy of free speech has been destroyed by Putin"

(2022) The Conversation

"Ukraine war: Belarus is not yet committed to a closer military partnership with Russia - here's why"

(2022) The Conversation

"Ukraine war: families of unhappy Russian conscripts could undermine Kremlin's war effort"

(2021) The Conversation

"Roman Protasevich: dissident Belarus journalist whose defiance enraged Europe's last dictator", 25 May

(2021) The Conversation

"Biden and Putin's first meeting won't reset US relations with Russia", 15 June 2021

(2021) The Conversation

"Women have served in the armed forces for decades, but the military is still a man's world", 28 July

(2021) The Conversation

"Belarus: Lukashenko threatens to turn off the gas to western Europe as migrant crisis deepens", 12 November

(2021) The Conversation

"Belarus: Opposition pressure continues inside and outside the country - will it work?"

(2020) The Conversation

"Belarus: What Role Could Russia Play in Alexander Lukashenko's Future?" 21 August

(2020) The Conversation UK

"NHS 'heroes' should not have to risk their lives to treat coronavirus patients". Coauthored with Veronica Kitchen. 20 April

(2020) The Conversation UK

"Vladimir Putin has grown into a Russian hero, so where does he go from here?", 22 January

(2019) The Conversation

"Losses for Vladimir Putin's United Russia in Moscow Elections Put Down a Marker for the Future", 10 September

(2018) The Conversation

"Women candidates break records in the 2018 US midterm elections", 7 November 2018

(2018) The Conversation

"Vladimir Putin: How to Understand the Russian President's View of the World", 18 March

(2018) The Conversation

"How the mothers of dead soldiers may be what reins in Vladimir Putin's ambitions", 22 January

(2018) The Conversation UK

"The British Army's Belonging campaign finally recognises that masculinity has changed". Article discussing the implications of the British Army's new recruitment campaign for the evolution of militarised masculinity