Jessica Weiss, Ph.D.

Cornell University

Country: United States (New York)

About Me:

I study China's foreign relations with an emphasis on nationalism, popular sentiment, and more broadly on the role of domestic politics in international relations. My first book, Powerful Patriots: Nationalist Protest in China's Foreign Relations (Oxford University Press, August 2014), examines the role of nationalist, anti-foreign protest in China’s international relations. Examining dozens of episodes of anti-foreign mobilization in China from 1985 to 2012, I conclude that the Chinese government has carefully chosen when to tolerate or repress grassroots nationalist mobilization to signal resolve or reassurance. My ongoing research investigates how domestic political dynamics may facilitate compromise or exacerbate conflict. Understanding how different regime types understand and interact with one another is critical to assessing the risk of conflict in a region characterized by a diversity of political institutions and deep ambivalence over China’s rise.

Research Interests

Asian Politics

Foreign Policy

Countries of Interest
