Julia Espinosa-Fajardo, Ph.D.


University of Cádiz

City: Sevilla

Country: Spain

About Me:

I am a Sociologist and I have a postgraduate course in Evaluation of Public Policies and Programmes and a PhD in Political Science (Complutense University, UCM – Spain).
Since 2003 I have worked as a researcher, evaluator and an expert on public policies in Europe and Latin America for international organizations, public institutions, NGOs and research centres.
In addition, I have been teaching Public Policies, Planning and Evaluation as well as Gender Equality at a postgraduate level in different Universities (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Granada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, FLACSO-Argentina, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, etc.).
Currently, I work as a lecturer at Univesity of Cádiz (Sociology) and I am a member of the 'Gender and Politics' research group (UCM) as well as the Gender, Economy, Politics and Development Observatory (UPO). I am also a member of EvalGender+, the ‘Gender and Evaluation’ Thematic Working Group of the European Evaluation Society and the RELAC (Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization in Latin America and the Caribbean).

Research Interests

Gender and Politics


Foreign Aid


Public Policy

Public Administration




Countries of Interest


My Research:

My research is focused on evaluation of programs and public policies, gender equality, implementation and resistances to integrate a gender and insterctional approach in public policies.