Sarah Kostecki, Ph.D. Candidate

The Graduate Center, The City University of New York (CUNY)

Country: United States (New York)

About Me:

I am a PhD Candidate with an expertise in Social Policy. My research interests are centered around the comarative analysis of work-family reconcliation policies (those policies that reconcile tensions between work and family life, such as maternity and paternity leave and publicly subsidized childcare). For my dissertation, I am analyzing the relationship between these policies and gender (in)equality and (in)security in employment across middle- and high-income countries. I am also interested in the politics surrounding the construction and passage of these policies, how these policies promote or hinder work-life balance for working parents, and the measurement of household well-being. 

Research Interests

Public Policy

Class, Inequality, and Labor Politics

Political Economy

Work-family Policies

Worker Rights

Countries of Interest


United States


