Vasundhara Sirnate, Ph.D. Candidate

University of California, Berkeley

Country: United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)

Social Media:

X: vsirnate

Research Interests

Conflict Processes & War

Gender and Politics

Political Violence

Counterterrorism And Counterinsurgency


Countries of Interest



Journal Articles:

(2014) Positionality, Personal Insecurity and Female Empathy in Security Studies Research, PS Political Science and Politics

How does a female researcher negotiate field research in a conflict zone?

(2009) Students Versus the State: The Politics of Uranium Mining in Meghalaya, Economic and Political Weekly

Narrative of a student-led agitation against uranium mining in the Indian state of Meghalaya.

Book Chapters:

(2015) The Naxalites of India, Maoists of Nepal and Taliban in Pakistan: Ideological Insurgencies in South Asia, Routledge

An assessment of the role of ideology in insurgencies.

(2007) The RSS and Citizenship: The Construction of the Muslim Minority Identity in India, Living With Secularism

The manufacturing of a Muslim minority identity in India.

Media Appearances:

TV Appearances:

(2017) TRT World

panel discussion on dynastic politics.