Wei-Ting Yen, Ph.D.


Franklin and Marshall College

City: Lancaster, Pennsylvania - 17604-3003

Country: United States

About Me:

I study political economy issues and social policy development in the developing world. The main research agenda of interest is to understand the demand side politics of how young democracies create social protection regimes for their citizens, the majority of whom have job insecurity and income instability. Currently, I am Assistant Professor of Government Department at Franklin and Marshall College. Please find more information about my publications through my website or here: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4153-678X 

Research Interests

Political Economy

Asian Politics

Class, Inequality, and Labor Politics

Public Policy

Welfare State

Preferences For Redistribution

Social Policies

Countries of Interest


South Korea


Media Appearances:

Blog Posts:

(2017) Monkey Cage

The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese

(2015) Monkey Cage

Taiwan and mainland China in talks? Here are the 5 things you need to know about what Taiwanese people are thinking.


(2014) Popular Science Website: Who Governs Taiwan

I am the co-founder/co-editor of the popular science website “Who Governs Taiwan (菜市場政治學)” (in Chinese), the purpose of which is to use plain language to explain and to promote political science knowledge to the general public in the Chinese-speaking world. In September 2016, we reached our 1 million viewership.